Over 560 Professional Engineers, Engineers in Training and Land Surveyors make up Professional Engineers Government of Ontario (PEGO), which acts as an exclusive bargaining unit to ensure public safety and the betterment of Ontario. The organization was determined to raise the government’s awareness and understanding of how engineers and land surveyors contribute to the running of Ontario and serve the public’s interest.

PEGO is recognized as the exclusive bargaining unit consisting of all Professional Engineers, Engineers in Training and Ontario Land Surveyors, who work for the Province of Ontario.
- Built positive relationships between PEGO members and Ministers, Parliamentary Assistants and MPPs through ongoing meetings, briefings and events.
- Published a policy engagement article by PEGO director Scott Grant, P.Eng. in Engineering Dimensions to increase industry awareness of the organization.
- Lobbied for 50 new engineering positions to be created in the March 2018 budget to increase public safety.
- Profiled engineers and land surveyors to highlight the many different capacities PEGO serves within the provincial government.
- Trained PEGO board members to handle media interviews and how to be effective presenters.
- Met with candidates of all parties in the 2018 election.
- PEGO members now have the ability and opportunities to formally and informally engage with legislators.
- PEGO has been able to significantly strengthen and widen its reach with legislators to promote the positive work it does for public safety in Ontario.