- B&C met with members of the Heart to Home Meals team to discuss their goals and suggested an initiative tied to Intergenerational Day. B&C wanted to highlight the positive benefits when generations share time together. It recommended a video competition for students in tertiary education.
- Do a publicity campaign involving a number of universities and colleges across Ontario that would raise awareness about the competition and the profile of Heart to Home Meals. This involved posters, mass emailing, calling colleges and organizing a website for entrants.
- Recruit high-profile individuals to be part of the judging panel. They came from both the film and senior-related industries.
Heart to Home Meals received entries from across Ontario. The judges selected a student from Sudbury as the winner. B&C secured coverage in all targeted media outlets in the city for the winning student receiving her cheque: CTV News, Sudbury Star and Northern Life. B&C also posted on Snapd Sudbury pictures of the cheque presentation. Pictures of the second-place winner were posted on Snapd Ottawa.
B&C also reached out to universities and colleges to include the video competition as part of the curriculum in relevant courses, at least one college has committed to doing this for 2019.
Overall, the client was able to position itself at the forefront of the senior community and see its brand awareness grow.
To view some of the videos click here