The Landlord Engagement Project is a collaboration between eight agencies to help vulnerable populations currently living in emergency housing, shelters, or unsafe situations find affordable housing in York Region. At the best of times it is hard to find housing in the Region, and COVID-19 has made it that much harder and even more urgent. A goal was set: house 200 people in three months.

- Created the 200 Doors Campaign to raise awareness of the issue and solicit the support of landlords to partner with the Coalition.
- Positioned the initiative as a win-win for York Region, landlords and nine local not-for-profits: Blue Door, Yellow Brick House, Mosaic Interfaith, Inn from the Cold, 360 Kids, Sandgate, Canadian Mental Health Association, Loft, and The Salvation Army.
- Developed a suite of content for media including press releases, an op-ed advocating for more affordable housing, and bylines giving a voice to people who have experienced homelessness and help the public gain insight into their situation.
- 9,529,600 reached through media at a cost-per-contact of $0.001.
- 15 pieces of coverage over two-months, including CityNews, Toronto Star, Yahoo News and yorkregion.com.
- 268 individuals housed as part of this campaign.
- 1,000 new leads (landlords) to determine availability and willingness to work with the program.
- 35 landlords opened doors to new renters in the program accounting for many of the 268 people housed.
- Based on the program’s success, it was extended to help people in need.