As our time in OLIP quickly comes to an end, we would like to reflect on one of our more recent sponsor meetings: Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO) and Brown & Cohen. It must be the end of the OLIP year because it has become tradition that we meet once our academic papers are complete, in order to share our findings.
OLIP has an extensive history with both PEO and Brown & Cohen — they are longtime supporters and sponsors of the program. PEO is the regulatory body of all engineers in Ontario. They are governed under the Professional Engineers Act and have a mission to “regulate and advance the practice of engineering to protect the public interest.” Jeannette Chau is the Manager of Government Liaison Programs at PEO and has been the long-time link between Queen’s Park and PEO.
On the other hand, Brown & Cohen Communications — Public Affairs is a public affairs firm founded by Howard Brown. He is incredibly well-known and respected in both Ontario and Canada’s political landscape, AND he is probably one of the biggest OLIP supports one can meet! Brown & Cohen has a number of diverse clients, notably: Professional Engineers of Ontario.
It was on a Friday afternoon the interns made a visit to the PEO offices in North York where we met with Howard Brown, Jeannette Chau and Rochelle Pereira-Alvares, Research Policy Analyst at PEO. We were delighted and grateful to be welcomed to a lunch where we shared a bit about ourselves, this OLIP year, and the academic papers we wrote. It was encouraging to see Mr. Brown, Ms. Chau, and Ms. Pereira-Alvares take such an interest in both the program and the research we’ve worked on throughout this parliamentary session.
In addition to sharing about ourselves, we are grateful to have had presentations by Ms. Chau and Mr. Brown about their respective organizations. We learned about the operations and importance of a regulatory body like PEO and how they function through changing political climates. Additionally, we were given insight into the world of communications, PR and how Mr. Brown has created such a successful firm through his many years of experience navigating the political world.
We want to wholeheartedly thank both PEO and Brown & Cohen for not only hosting us at a fun, wholesome lunch, but for their continued, unwavering support for the OLIP program. THANK YOU!
Original post can be found here: https://bit.ly/32ajV4E